This weekend is the most Happiest moment for the Geng P'lekong Jorang when one of our group members Bro Alias is the winner and manage to take back RM10,000 cash on that day, it was a good fight & most challenging time for him.We were surprise by the un-expected mega sizes of fishes that was cough by the casters, 2 years ago the tournament is also held at the same locations with the conjunctions of Monsoon Cup Festival, but the winner is only a 2.5 kg of Ikan Belukang (Cat Fish). Congratulation Bro, and thank you for a Big Dinner that evening.

The geng Members is Helping Bro Alias with his catch

The moment that been waiting for
the cash RM10,000.0 present by Y.B Dato Hj.Nasir Tan Sri Ibrahim Fikri

Group's Photo with all the winners & Y.B Dato Nasir

~In the Making of the winner~

The Winner ~ Bro Alias Atan, Pro Surt Casting, his record of casting of 200 yards cast with 16 footers Banet Scopions rod & the mechines is Shimano SL5000.
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